
The Promise of Perfect Abs

Everyone reads articles about getting the perfect set of abs, the almighty "six-pack, because it's the "in" thing right now. Everyone wants the washboard instead of a gut because it brings out your great physique. And some people are told that you need to do a million crunches a day to get that, but you really don't. There are many myths out there about getting the great abs you desire, and that misinformation throws a lot of people on a curve. This article highlights the fundamental principles to get that definition you always wanted in your abdominal wall, and obliques!

1) Strict diet - it is no surprise that diet is a huge part of reaching certain fitness goals involving building muscle mass and definition. Maintaining that dense muscularity in your rectus abdominis muscles by eating small meals throughout the day keeping metabolism high will strip away that unwanted fat and bring out your abs.

2) Working the Abs Properly - like previously stated, many people just think doing 1,000 crunches a day will get them what they want, but the abs, like any other muscle in the body, benefit from high intensity workouts without over training. You wouldn't do 1,000 repetitions on the bench press in one day, would you? Hitting the abs from several angles with enough resistance will stimulate hypertrophy and bring out the abs you want.

3) Cardio - many people don't have the desired abs because of the layer of fat around their abdominal wall. These adipose sites will only be stripped by doing cardio. Many people reccommend doing cardio first thing in the morning before your first meal to make sure to burn the fat already stored in your body.

To see millions of abdominal workouts, visit Bodybuilding.com. You could do a different ab workout every day for a whole year, even though you shouldn't, I'm just emphasizing the vast amount of exercises they have to offer. Follow these few easy steps and you should be on your way to that great stomach you always wanted.


1 comment:

  1. Awesome blog. I have always worked towards getting the perfect abs. I've learned over time that this is what i need to do. I also think doing abdominal workouts are very fun because there are so many exercises to do. The one thing i dont do as much is cardio. I feel that not many people like cardio because its not as exciting as lifting wieghts. Overall I feel that all three of these aspects are very important to getting those abs you want.
