
Lazy? Busy? Need Some Energy?

It's getting close to the end of the school year, one month left, and it's getting nice outside. Who in their right mind wants to be in doing work every day of the week? Some people might not even want to be in the gym doing work when it's this nice out! This article sparked some ideas to increase your energy levels and to get your mind on the right track to keep up the good work...

1) The difference between knowing & doing - students know that they have work to do, and they know when they are putting it off and playing catch outside for hours, but it helps if you write down your goals, KNOW what you have to do, and set time aside to DO it. Write down your goals and write down all the great things you can do when your work is done for motivation.

2) Get a picture of a physique you hate - I really liked this one because during these nice spring/summer months, people might make some bad decisions, being up extra late and eating that pizza at 2 a.m., but if you carry around a picture that you don't like, maybe an old picture of you in your "tubby" days, it'll hold you back from eating that late night ice cream.

3) Download audio clips - this was another one I really liked because it's fun. Download some lines from your favorite movies and put them on your Ipod/Itunes. Being in the gym and hearing Kind Leonidas scream, "THIS IS SPARTA!" will really kick you into gear to get some extra pumps in.

4) Eat a good meal - not only will a good meal put you in a better mood, it will give you that extra energy to get your work done in the library, and in the gym.

5) Get enough sleep - an obvious one at the least, but getting enough sleep ensures that energy that you need to get through the day. With a full work schedule and hitting the gym, your body needs to recover for AT LEAST 8 hours a night, and the summer time is a great time to catch up on some sleep.

These are only a brief highlight of some ideas to increase energy because it is NOT good to have 8 Red Bulls to get that extra boost that you need to write a paper or go to the gym. So get some sleep, follow this tips, and enjoy these great months of the year.


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