

Now, who doesn't love a massage? Honestly, you could list the 5 best things in the world, and getting a massage HAS to be on that list. But many people just get them on vacation, or once a year as a gift or something, but there are so many benefits from getting regular massages. This article went over tons of those benefits, and even gives you help in learning some techniques to master a massage yourself.

1) Relief from tension/stress - training is hard and strenuous and the main reason for getting a massage is to relieve that stress. By allowing the mind to relax and the body to recover, an all around feeling of being "fresh" will give you the perception of starting anew.

2) Dilation of blood vessels - a massage dilates blood vessels which increases circulation which in turn flushes out toxins that can reduce muscle soreness and swelling.

3) Increases muscle tone - stimulating the muscles this way will increase muscle tone and prevent fatigue and muscle atrophy. Aiding this will also decrease risk of injury due to lower risk of tightened and/or strained muscle and increase flexibility.

Some other great benefits of a massage are: lower blood pressure, emphasis on elimination of metabolic toxic wastes, improved lymphatic system, releases endorphins, reduces pain, improves sleep, delivers more oxygen and nutrients to muscles, stimulates slower breathing, allows relaxation and repair of muscles, etc.

Even though now-a-days a professional massage can range you anywhere from $100-$300 pending on length and style, it is a definite must in the fitness world because of all the vast benefits. So go out, save up some money, and enjoy a massage because now you know all the great aspects it will bring to your life. It is well worth it.


  1. Reading this article definitely made me feel better about spending money on massages! It's nice to know that there are actual health benefits to something that is so relaxing and enjoyable.

  2. During my diving season this year I hurt my neck at our New England Championship meet and I kept having to go to the trainers to get stretched and put heat on to try and relax the muscle tissue. This helped alittle but I ended up going for a massage a few weeks after my injury and this was very effective in releasing the stress and stiffness in my neck. Massages are defiantly costly but sometimes it worth it especially if you have an injury like I did. Great post!

  3. I have never experienced a professional massage but I have heard nothing but good things. After reading this blog I feel that I have to go out and get one to see what all the talk is about. Its amazing the amount of benefits that there are from getting a massage. The only problem is like you said in the blog they are usually 100 dollars or more. Hopefully someday I can have the pleasure of experiencing one.

  4. The only thing I have a problem with is the price. Although I have experienced one professional massage, it was bought for me. It does rank up there as one of the greatest feelings you can feel. It completely relaxes you and puts you in a full utopia.

  5. This is very important information because anyone take massages like serious treatment for stress situations. Sometimes i do massages because I liked makes me be relaxed and the person that im givin it too. Its good, is healthy and relaxing you should tryit! I experienced two professional massages and they take you to another level! So what are you waiting for get a massage its good for your body, mind and soul. Love this post!

  6. It's good to know. I never ever have this experience get a massage with a professional. The massages are very relaxing for every body with feel stressed we can take a massage for feel more better and also it's good for people that have an injuries. Good post!

  7. Everybody loves a good massage and nows that it makes them feel better but you pointed out alot off other great benefits that most people don't ever realize.
