
Water: The Most Important Drink Of All

"It is a fact that 95% of all Americans are dehydrated."

Does that statement shock you? It shocked me too, but then I began to think about it. Barely anyone drinks as much water as they should, and water constitutes 65-70% of the human body (85% of your brain, 80% of your blood, and about 70% of your lean muscle.) That's kind of a big deal.

Do you get enough water? On average, college students should have about a gallon of water per day. And that's if they do not exercise. If you do exercise, that amount needs to be increased, by about 6-8 oz. for every 15 minutes of working out whether it be running, lifting weights, etc. In the gym, water maintains muscle tone by aiding in their ability to contract, and water is practically an instant "pick me up". A great indicator for hydration is urine color. A light yellow, maybe even white, color of urine is a great indicator of hydration. A darker yellow, or amber color, of urine is a bad sign of mild, possibly even severe dehydration.

Another statistic that shocked me when reading this was "A person could eliminate about 50% of all diseases just by being hydrated and drinking enough water throughout the day." So grab the water bottle, fill it up a few times throughout the day, and ward of illness and disease for a lifetime. Many other health benefits can be seen by adequately supplying your body with enough water, and all of these can be read about in depth in this article.



  1. hello,
    I know that I do not drink enough water. I try to drink a least 3-4 glasses a day, but from reading your blog and knowing now that i could eliminate so many diseases, etc. I am def. going to try and work on the amount of water I drink now. thanks!

  2. Hey,
    I try to drink enough water... I always take water over any other drink when eating a meal and i constantly have a water bottle with me. I think i'll have to start keeping track of how much i actually drink just to see if i was even close to over a gallon. Very interesting and important topic to my lifestyle!

  3. Water is great, I get water with lemon everytime i go out to eat, to be healthy and save 3 to 4 bucks. Great topic!
