
Everyone Needs to Start Somewhere

Coming back from class today, I felt inspired to speak my mind on the topic at hand, nutrition, and fitness. We talked about Organic Foods and eating only the right foods all the time, making sure there are no processed foods, preservatives, added sugar, pretend sugar, and all these other "unhealthy" choices. Now, for sure, I am a strong advocate of eating right and making the right choices, but many people are turned away, or turned off, by a "JUST DO IT" attitude. So I'm here to tell you, that it's okay to start off slow, because everyone has to start somewhere.

I'm one who reacts strongly to a "JUST DO IT" attitude (not just talking about going to the gym, actually going and doing it/not just saying I'm going to skip out on dessert, actually saying 'no' to that piece of cake) but many people don't respond well to this. So for these types of people, it's best to start off slow, by making daily choices that you can build on down the road.

Say no to Burger King for lunch and make a turkey sandwich at home instead.
Or maybe get a single cheeseburger with apple fries instead of the double cheeseburger with french fries.

Take the stairs to Fourth Floor Wilson instead of the elevator.
Walk to Woodward during the day instead of taking the shuttle.

Instead of munching on that bag of Doritos during the basketball game, grab the Wheat Thins and have some of those instead.

Grab a whole grain muffin in the morning at Dunkin Donuts instead of that Boston Creme Donut.

Everytime you want a soda to drink during your meal, start off getting diet soda, and then work your way down to just having water instead.

Subway may be "bad" in the words of lovely Dr. Pantuosco-Hensch, but trust me, she won't be on your case for choosing a six-inch sub loaded with veggies over a Big Mac at McDonalds.

It's these small subtle changes that you can start making TODAY that will make a difference down the line. It may take a month, it may take a year, but soon enough you'll be divying up the organic foods between you and your friends on SuperBowl Sunday and making healthy meals for your whole family. The list of examples could go on and on, but you know what you can do to make the best out of your choices, so make the right ones, and build your life to it's fullest.



  1. This is a great motivation. I always tell myself that I want to eat better but then I think Im 21 years old and its to late to start or if I cheat when I try to eat better I give up. It is so true that every little bit helps and you can always start somewhere.

  2. i loved your post and relate to your just do it thinking. Great ideas for those who take the easy way out a little too often.

  3. I really enjoyed reading this post. I feel the same way, when you want to do something for your own body like eating better, you have to just do it, not put it off day after day because that means that that's one more day of exposing your body to the harmful preservatives and chemicals in processed foods-which really adds up! This is the attitude I wish that many people in my family and friends circle had because I want them to be around as long as possible!

  4. I enjoyed your post and is great motivation for those out there that want to start making healthier choices. It is a good motto you have and many of us wish that it was that easy to fight temptation. Overall, I know that I tell myself "no" when I want that sweet treat and times I give in. I can relate to how you think in making healthy choices.
