
Lacking Motivation?

A big problem for people when it comes to "the gym" is motivation. People are much more comfortable at their homes, on their couches, and less likely to say "You know what, I'm going to get up, get dressed, and go work out." Of course, we Movement Science Majors love that, but most people do not, and they need that extra motivation. This article hit on many aspects of my daily life, and I thought it would be great to share some of my favorites pieces from it.

1. Self-Efficacy - if anyone has taken Foundation II, they know what this means. It is basically your personal belief in yourself. If you tell yourself all day you can't go lift weights at the gym, you're probably not going to go lift weights at the gym, you might not even go to the gym. So its crucial to develop the attitude that you CAN do these things. "I can go run for 30 minutes today because I am in good shape, and will soon be in better shape."

2. Family & Friend Support - we all know that we have some friends who just hate the gym. By all means, that's fine, if they want to wade around town in their fat suit lacking any muscle what-so-ever, let em'. But its important to surround yourself with people who enjoy activities that you enjoy, like going to the gym, so they can help you, they can talk to you about new routines, etc.

4. An Action Plan - I learned this on my own, because I always used to go to the gym, empty handed, and do whatever I felt like doing. I'd always come out feeling like I didn't do enough, or did the wrong things, or didn't know what I was doing. Go into the gym with a game plan, a workout outline, and base your workout off of that. You can track your progress and see results.

8. A Role Model - Everyone knows someone, or can picture someone in their head that they want to look like. Guys definitely don't talk about how much they like Brad Pitt's abs in Fight Club, but they are certainly all thinking it when they watch the movie. Pick an image that you can obtain (don't choose some gigantic bodybuilder because they are on steroids, you hopefully are not). Females don't have to strive for the "Barbie" image that media tries to hit home but pick an actress or athlete who you can relate to, and try to base your routine around someone or something you like.

9. Knowledge - it is so important to know what you're doing in the gym, so READ UP. Bodybuilding.com is one of the best supersites you can go to for ANYTHING nutrition or exercise related. Find out what your muscles are doing when you perform that curl, take an Anatomy class and see what muscles you can work out. Build knowledge over the course of a lifetime and you will most certainly be a better person for it.

So if you feel like you don't have the motivation you wish you could, think of some of these things, and work on it. Tell a friend some of these things, and they should probably feel up to going to the gym. Remember, Rome wasn't built in a day, and neither will your ideal body. Just know that everytime you may not want to go to the gym, someone else does.



  1. Its always good to remind people that they can do things because it can help them with their own motivation. Sometimes I forget that there aren't people who go to the gym or do any physical activity because I myself and always running around doing something. I would have to say that I would have a role model that is more idealisic, such as someone who you know who goes to the gym or does physical activity each day. I wouldn't have someone who could be thought of as having the "ideal body". If your role model is someone who would fit into this category you might be setting your goals too high, which could lead to failure. Failure would really lower your motivation, which you would want to be improving.

  2. I absolutely cannot stand the words I can't. whenever i have friends that want to come workout with me I'll mention something that i do regularly i.e. pull ups or push up etc. and as soon as the words I can't escape their lips guess what we're doing? The only reason you can't do something is because you believe you can't do it... the only thing stopping you from being a better you is you
